
The best side of online videos

I must confessed I have "attacked" online videos for "usurping" the place of online graphics in informations which need a better visual explanation
In other hand,the sad news that came yesterday from Lebanon made me "re-think" the question, and have a look to the benefits they bring for online graphics. The information of some spanish soldiers dead were fisrtly accompanied by some comments about a mine. Finally, we could know the cause was a bomb in a car. But this was much later. One or two years ago, I culd have imagined the people from elmundo.es or ELPAIS.com having to do a graphic when they don't have much information. Today, this thirst of havinf "something moving" is calmed by video. It does not have to be so specific, so it have not to "lie" telling information we don't really know and editors got what they wanted. All we win. Readers too.

Just a minute after posting this comment, I visited ELPAIS.com and saw how they have uploaded an online graphic about the new. Showing all the details. I should better shut up my big mouth.

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