
What would you send to Malofiej? (V): Universidad de Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Malofiej is not just for professional media. The academic world is also a great place to look at when we talk about infographics. The students from Chapel Hill have already been awarded several times on infographics competitions. This time, Tattiana Teixieira, professor and researcher at the Universidade de Santa Catarina in Brazil, sends some infographics produced in the academic activity of her university. The graphic opening this post was made by the journalism student Rogério Moreira Júnior, with the orientation of professors Sandro Galarça and Tattiana Teixieira.

This second graphic was made by Diego Kerber (Journalism) and Grégorio Bacelar Lameira (Graphic Design), under the orientation of Galarça and Teixeira. Was published in the magazine Zero, a publication of the Universidade de Santa Catarina.

Many thanks to professor Teixeira for sending this graphics, adn remember that you don't need to publish on media to send something to this section.

And tomorrow, El Heraldo, from Barranquilla (Colombia)

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