
This graphic really helped people

I commented in the previous post that BBC News graphics weren't beautiful, but useful. Other example of that is this infographic, made up by Patricio Rivas, from Diario El Sur (Chile). It's a very simple graphic, no spectacular views. The important thing is the information it contains. Patricio exlains it himself:

"This is a graphic about Biovías Prooject II, which try to comunicate the towns of Gran Concepción. On them appears the towns of Lota and Tomé, the ones with the bigger unemployment rate all around the country, and that's why people from there need to get integrated to the regional capital.
After the publication of this graphic, little towns started to be added, after they demanded teh opportunity of being integrated in this project.
A interesting topic, cause the Biovias project is on bankrupt. They thought they were going to movilize big amounts of people, but they couldn't fo some problems: towns with big unemployment rates, trains on bankrupt and a project of million dollars. This the reality of one of the most industrialized zones in Chile, is also the first on unemployment.
Chile has two faces: a Chile walking to the future with big highways and underground trains, almost all in Santiago, making bussiness deals of free trade with the big countries and the forgotten Chile, with a train on bankrupt. There are two Chiles: santiago, and the rest."

Patricio is not an infographics artist, he didn´t study Design, he's staff writer of CUlture and Arts department. He didn't need to be an infographics artist. The graphic was just data easier to explain graphically than written. That's graphic journalism.

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