
Something's changing in Venezuela

One of the countries growing on infographics is Venezuela. One of its great representatives on the web is Nicolás Ramallo and his recent blog Haga clic para continuar, focused on online graphics. Nicolás won a Malofiej Award this year for a graphic about the Germany World Cup of Football (Soccer). His newspaper, El Universal is also developing great graphic on print, as this one about the Aquatic Centre for Beijing Olympic Games.

El Universal is not the only reference in Venezuela infographics, although other if their big men, Nelson Fernández works in Panamá, in EPASA, where he develops this personal style

Nelson Fernández will be this july in a workshop in Maracaibo, in the First Meeting of Graphic Design, that will take place july 16, 17 and 18th, in the Ctatholic University “Cecilio Acosta” and teh Theatre “Niños Cantores del Zulia “, both in Urbanización La Paz, II etapa, calle 98 con Av. 54-A, Maracaibo, from 9:00am to 12:m and 2:00 to 7:00pm, if you're interested.

Other of the new infographic webs of Venezuela is Asesor Creativo, made by Omar Hernández and Johanna Marín. A wire agency giving its firsts steps on the southamerican country.
As Alberto Cairo says, there's something in South America to have such good infographics artists...

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