The greek daily Eleftheros Typos (Free Press) has been awarded best designed european newpaper on this edition of the European newspaper Awards, on the national daily category.
The Mayo News (Ireland) was chosen best local, El Periódico de Catalunya (Spain) best regional and Welt am Somtag (Germany), best weekly.
I got an enormous luck working in the InnovAtion team in charge of the redesign of the daily. Great luck, colaborating with great professionals as Juan Antonio Giner, Juan Señor, Javier Errea, Marta Botero, Mike Fairhead, Gabriel Sama, Pablo Errea or Eduardo Tessler, and also Pablo Ramírez, the other infographics consultant. Maybe the two weeks of my life when I've learned the most.
About the graphics, which is this blog about, here you are some examples of the graphics which are being made at the ET infographics department. InnovAtion idea for teh graphics was, as I hope is seen, clarity, simplicity, as teh marvelous design by Javier Errea. Colors as guide.

In addition, on teh graphics category of teh European newspapers Awards, these have been the winners:
- Svenska Dagbladet (6) Sweden
- Expresso (3) Portugal
- Äripäev (1) Eesti
- Berliner Morgenpost (1) Germany
- Frankfurter Rundschaa (1) Germany
- Het Financieele Dagblad (1) Netherlands
- Hufvudstadsbladet (1) Finland
- Östersunds Posten (1) Sweden
- Presso (1) Finland
- Süddeutsche Zeitung (1) Germany
- All Eleftehros Typos issues on PDF and updated daily
- The new at Innovations in Newspapers
- How Eleftheros Typos was (Infographics News)
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