No surprises. The New York got the Peter Sullivan (best graphic of the year).
The surprise could be that they got it for this box-office graphic, instead for the elections coverage. (Click on the image to access the online graphic)

They also received the Miguel Urabayen to the best map, this time for the elections explorer.

It's clear now: Malofiej has two divisions this year: The New York Times and the rest of us.
At Público (Spain) we can be glad this year again (I'm working on other place now, but I stayed there until february, so I've spent the whole year at Publico). Two Silvers and ten Bronzes for a new newsaper and with a department much smaller than the other national papers.
And now, finally, the list;
1AA Bronze
Diario de Sevilla (Spain)
Accidente de avión en Barajas (Cristina G.Rivera, Raquel Feria y Antonio Gallardo)

1AB Silver
Público (Spain)
Radiografía de la catástrofe (Chiqui Esteban, Álvaro Valiño, Mónica Serrano)

1BC Silver
El Mundo (Spain)
Atentado en la Universidad de Navarra

1BC Silver
The Sunday Times (UK)
Mumbai massacre
1BC Bronze
El País (Spain)
El asesinato del empresario Ignacio Uría
1CC Silver
The New York Times (USA)
The No Votes (Erin Aigner, Amanda Cox, Farhana Hossain y Archie Tse)

1CC Silver
Folha de São Paulo (Brazil)
Perícia prioriza tempo em simulação

1CC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
Phelps, un fenómeno
1DC Gold
The New York Times (USA)
In a Decisive Victory, Obama Reshapes the Electoral Map

1DC Gold
The New York Times (USA)
Defiant House Rejects Huge Bailout; Stocks Plunge; Next Step is Uncertain
1DC Silver
El País (Spain)
El recorrido del avión (Rodrigo Silva, Heber Longás, Antonio Alonso, Rafa Ferrer, Ángel Nava, Nacho Catalán, Covadonga F. Esteban)

1DC Silver
The Guardian (UK)
Burmese cyclone
1DC Silver
The New York Times (USA)
For Much of the Country, a Sizeable Shift
1DC Silver
The New York Times (USA)
Dissecting the Changing Electorate (Bill Marsh, Marjorie Connelly)

1DC Bronze
El Mundo (Spain)
Las primeras pistas de las cajas negras
2AC Silver
The New York Times (USA)
Where Candidates Found Support (Amanda Cox, Farhana Hossain)

2AC Bronze
The Washington Post (USA)
For Black Politicians, A Rocky Road

2AC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
Accidente TC-48
2AD Silver
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Who studies where (Marc Silver)

2AD Bronze
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
The flow of power
2AD Bronze
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Voter Turnout
2AE Bronze
Golden Section Graphics para Berliner Morgenpost (Germany)
Ihr Völker der Welt…

2BA Bronze
El Heraldo (Colombia)
Balas perdidas
2CC Gold
The New York Times (USA)
All of Inflation's Little Parts (Matthew Bloch, Shan Carter y Amanda Cox)

2CC Silver
The New York Times (USA)
The Pulse of Uncertainty

2CC Bronze
The New York Times (USA)
Keeping Tabs on the $700 Billion Bailout

2CC Bronze
The Washington Post (USA)
Recession 101
2CD Bronze
Fortune (USA)
The Fortune 500 Cosmos
2CD Bronze
Fortune (USA)
As the World Turns
2CE Silver
KircherBurkhardt GmbH para Handelsblatt (Germany)
The Battle for Resources
2CE Bronze
KircherBurkhardt GmbH para Handelsblatt (Germany)
Chronik einer Krise
2DA Bronze
Presente (México)
Pender de un hilo (Gustavo Alonso Ortiz)

2DB Bronze
Público (Spain)
El medallero es un mundo (Chiqui Esteban)

2DC Silver
The New York Times (USA)
Santana's Changeup: A Study in Stealth

2DC Bronze
Berliner Morgenpost (Germany)
Hambüchens Golden Salto

2DC Bronze
Berliner Morgenpost (Germany)
In Harmony with the Horse
2DC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
El estadio de la Davis
2DC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
2DC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
2DC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
Lanzamiento de martillo
2DE Bronze
Welt am Sonntag (Germany)
Peking bietet futuristische Sommerspiele
2EB Bronze
Público (Spain)
El ojo más potente (Chiqui Esteban)

2EB Bronze
Público (Spain)
Plutón puede ser un plutoide (Chiqui Esteban, Álvaro Valiño)

2EB Bronze
Público (Spain)
El cambio climático es un desafío
2EC Silver
Clarín (Argentina)
Cóndor Andino
2EC Silver
Clarín (Argentina)
Virgin Galactic Turismo espacial
2EC Silver
El País (Spain)
Tranmisión de la lengua azul por el viento (Heber Longás)

2EC Silver
The Guardian (UK)
The Internet's undersea world

2EC Silver
The New York Times (USA)
Mapping the Human Diseasome
2EC Silver
Welt am Sonntag (Germany)
Sleep, Motor of Live
2EC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
Pingüino patagónico

2EC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
Gran colisionador de hadrones

2EC Bronze
El Mundo (Spain)
La bóveda global de semillas (Emilio Amade)
2EC Bronze
El Mundo (Spain)
Soluciones radicales para frenar el cambio climático
2ED Gold
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Fifty Years of Exploration (5W)

2ED Gold
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Last of the Neanderthals
2ED Silver
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Monuments of the Maya
2ED Bronze
Condé Nast Traveler (USA)
Above and beyond
2ED Bronze
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Seeking hospitable worlds
2ED Bronze
New Scientist (UK)
Features Portfolio
2ED Bronze
Stern (Germany)
Wie Funktioniert ein Touchscreen
2ED Bronze
WWII Magazine (USA)
Great expectations
2EE Silver
Golden Section Graphics para SZ Wissen Magazine (Germany)
Gefährliches Deutschland

2FB Bronze
Emirates Business 24/7 (Dubai, UAE)
The final voyage of QE2

2FB Bronze
Expresso (Portugal)
Sobreviver à crise e à escassez de petróleo (Sofia Miguel Rosa)

2FC Bronze
The Washington Post (USA)
Global forces drive up oil prices
2FD Bronze
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Once and future drought
2FD Bronze
Condé Nast Portfolio (USA)
London's New Arrival (Bryan Christie)
2GB Silver
Público (Spain)
Los 191 números de la Motown (Álvaro Valiño)

2GB Bronze
Emarat Al Youm (Dubai, UAE)
Al Fahiri Fort: pearl of Dubai
2GB Bronze
Emarat Al Youm (Dubai, UAE)
Falconry: the noble sport

2GB Bronze
Diario de Navarra (Spain)
El violín, inigualado desde hace tres siglos
2GC Gold
The New York Times (USA)
The Ebb and Flow At the Box Office (Premio Peter Sullivan 'Best of Show')

2GC Bronze
The Washington Post (USA)
Fireworks Light Up the Night

2GC Bronze
Svenska Dagbladet (Suecia)
Which country voted for which song? East vs West
2GD Bronze
La Nación (Argentina)
El inmigrante que dio voz al trabajo
2GD Bronze
Mundo Estranho (Brasil)
A história da guerra
2GD Bronze
Nova Escola (Brasil)
O Brasil antes do Brasil
2HB Silver
Al Bayan (Dubai, UAE)
Olympics 2008

2HB Silver
Público (Portugal)
Segurança nas praias
2HC Silver
de Volkskrant (Holanda)
Wie herdenken wij morgen?
5AA Bronze
Diário de Notícias (Portugal)
Footwear industry
5AB Bronze
Expresso (Portugal)
Duelo ao Sol
5AB Bronze
Expresso (Portugal)
Um Orcamento "habilidoso"
5BE Gold
Golden Sections Graphics para Goethe Institute (Germany)

5CB Bronze
Público (Spain)
Los 191 números uno de la Motown (Álvaro Valiño)

5CB Bronze
Público (Spain)
Las conexiones de la carrera de Newman como intérprete (Álvaro Valiño)

6AB Gold
La Voz de Galicia (Spain)
Portafolio de noticias de actualidad inmediata. Accidente aéreo en Barajas
6AB Bronze
Público (Spain)
La carrera hacia el 9M

6AC Silver
El País (Spain)
Portafolio de noticias de actualidad inmediata
6AC Silver
El País (Spain)
Portafolio de noticias de actualidad inmediata. Barajas

6AC Silver
The New York Times (USA)
Breaking News Portfolio. A Premonition Fulfilled, in a City that Lives With Cranes
6AC Bronze
Clarín (Argentina)
Portafolio de noticias de actualidad inmediata
6BB Bronze
Público (Spain)
Diez años de estación espacial. Portafolio 2

6BC Silver
Clarín (Argentina)
Portafolio de reportajes. El estadio de la Davis
6BC Silver
Clarín (Argentina)
Portafolio de reportajes. Deshielo en la Antártida
6BC Silver
Clarín (Argentina)
Portafolio de reportajes. Ballena franca
6BC Bronze
El Mundo (Spain)
JJ.OO de Pekín: Los escenarios
6BC Bronze
El País (Spain)
Portafolio de reportajes
6BD Gold
Die Zeit / Magazine (Germany)
Maps of Germany
6BD Gold
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
6BD Silver
Il Sole 24 Ore / IL (Italia)
Cara, ma ti ricordi

6BD Silver
Il Sole 24 Ore / IL (Italia)
Sua maestà in pillole

6BD Silver
Il Sole 24 Ore / IL (Italia)
Non avrai altro Dio

6BD Silver
Il Sole 24 Ore / IL (Italia)
Letteratura grafica / Il lungo pranzo di natale

6BD Silver
Il Sole 24 Ore / IL (Italia)
Letteratura grafica / Tlön, Uqbar, orbis tertius
6BD Bronze
Condé Nast Portfolio (USA)
Condé Nast Portfolio
6BE Bronze
KircherBurkhardt GmbH para Handelsblatt (Germany)
Drei Streifen und ein Swoosh
6BE Bronze
Golden Section Graphics (Germany)
Portfolio de reportajes
6CB Bronze
Público (Spain)
Portafolio individual de Chiqui Esteban

6CB Bronze
Público (Spain)
Portafolio individual de Álvaro Valiño
6CC Gold
The New York Times (USA)
Individual Portfolio Amanda Cox
6CC Silver
El Mundo (Spain)
Portafolio individual de Gonzalo Díez
6CC Bronze
El Mundo (Spain)
Los "mega-buques" de China. Portafolio individual de Beatriz Santacruz
6CD Gold
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Individual Portfolio Sean McNaughton
6CD Silver
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
Individual Portfolio Fernando Baptista NG Staff
7B Gold
La Nación (Costa Rica)
Colección Costa Rica Verde

7B Bronze
La Voz del Interior (Argentina)
A las puertas del cielo
7B Bronze
La Voz del Interior (Argentina)
El reino de la diversidad

7D Silver
National Geographic Magazine (USA)
The Forbidden City
8AB Silver (USA)
Crane Collapse in Manhattan (Haeyoun Park, Graham Roberts, Joe Ward, Steve Duenes)
8BB Silver (Colombia)
Colombia, el país con más víctimas por minas
8CB Bronze (USA)
How Michael Phelps Won His First 2008 Gold (Shan Carter, Karen Crouse, Graham Roberts, Joe Ward)
8CB Bronze (USA)
Electoral Shifts (Shan Carter, Jonathan Corum, Amanda Cox, Farhana Hossain, Xaquín G.V.)
9AA Silver
KircherBurkhardt GmbH Ratification Monitor
9AA Bronze (USA)
Election Night Maps, Nov. 4, 2008
9AB Gold (USA)
Electoral Explorer
(Miguel Urabayen Award 'Best Map')
9AB Bronze (USA)
Campaign Finance (Shan Carter, Griff Palmer and Aaron Pilhofer)
9BB Bronze
Two Tunnels, Two Eras (Graham Roberts, Frank O'Connell)
9BB Silver (USA)
A Year of Parking Tickets (Matthew Bloch, Amanda Cox)
9CA Bronze (USA)
CEO compensation
9CA Bronze (USA)
Note of Caution
9CA Bronze (USA)
Cruel Fuel World
9CB Silver (USA)
Can a President Tame the Business Cycle? (Kevin Quealy, Guilbert Gates)
9CB Bronze/Bronze (Spain)
El nuevo perfil de Madrid (David Alameda, Daniel Izzedin)
9CB Bronze
90 grados for (Spain)
Casas prefabricadas
9CB Bronze (USA)
Valley Girls’ Network
9DB Gold (USA)
You Finish, You Win (Xaquín G.V., Sergio Peçanha, Joe Ward, Mika Gröndahl, Graham Roberts)
9DB Silver (USA)
A Map of Olympic Medals (Lee Byron, Amanda Cox, Matthew Ericson)
9DB Silver/ (Spain)
Final de la Copa Davis 2008 (T. Alhambra)
9DB Bronze (Spain)
Valencia Street Circuit (Juan Carlos Sánchez)
9DB Bronze (Colombia)
Salto a caballo
9DB Bronze/ (USA)
A History of World Records (Gabriel Dance, Amanda Cox, Matt Ericson)
9EA Silver/
SuperInteressante (Brasil)
Sondas Espaciais (Alberto Cairo, Luiz Iria, Julia Cabral, Douglas Kawazu, Fabiane Zambon, Daniel Schneider, Rafael Kenski)
9EA Silver
Ecoson (Holanda)
9EB Bronze (USA)
The Soyuz Spacecraft (Graham Roberts, Jonathan Corum)
9EB Bronze (USA)
The Child’s Developing Brain (Tara Parker-Pope, Jon Huang Mike Mason)
9EB Bronze
90 grados for (Spain)
9FB Gold (Spain)
Cambio climático
9FB Bronze
90 grados for (Spain)
Dirigibles modernos
9FB Bronze (USA)
District Taxi Fare Estimator (Nathaniel Vaughn Kelso)
9GB Gold (USA)
The Ebb and Flow of Movies: Box Office Receipts 1986-2008 (Mathew Bloch, Lee Byron, Shan Carter and Amanda Cox)
(Peter Sullivan Award 'Best of Show')
9GB Silver (USA)
A House of Glass (Mika Gröndahl, Xaquín G.V.)
9GB Bronze (USA)
Architectural Monuments in a Reshaped Beijing (Matthew Bloch, Shan Carter, Graham Roberts, Mika Gröndahl, Erin Aigner, Kevin Quealy)
9GB Bronze (Spain)
Expo Zaragoza (Carlos Gámez, Matías Cortina, Guadalupe Cruz)
10AB Bronze (Spain)
Portafolio de varios atentados de ETA (Azpeitia, Universidad de Navarra,
Legutiano y Mondragón)
10BA Silver
90 Grados for (Spain)
Portfolio de deporte rural vasco
10BB Bronze (USA)
Republican Contest
10CA Bronze (Perú)
El megajuicio a Fujimori
10CA Bronze (Spain)
El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (Patricia Vicente)
10CB Bronze (Spain)
Carrusel Eurocopa 2008
11AB Gold (Spain)
Calendario de la Eurocopa
11AB Silver (Spain)
Clasificación Fórmula 1
11AB Bronze (Spain)
Comparativa equipos de 1ª División
11CB Bronze (USA)
Electoral Dashboard
11DA Silver (Germany)
11DB Silver (Spain)
Calendario de los JJOO de Pekín 2008
11DB Silver (USA)
A Day’s Work, Four Days’ Pay (Nicholas Phillips, Alicia Desantis, Graham Roberts)
11DB Bronze (USA)
The Year in Markets
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