Mnay of you know
Nicolás Ramallo for his work at
El Universal (Caracas, Venezuela) and for his blog,
Haga clic para continuar. He has sent a great selection of graphics they are sending this your to

El Universal uses to win some awards every year, almost in the last ones. And they deserve it, as you could see.

They are sending this year 20 features, 1 promotional and 3 one-column infographics to Malofiej. And also a portfolio with some works they did for an special issue fro their 100 anniversary. Those graphics will also be separtae entries on their own categories.

There's not much more to say. Show, don't tell...

And these two were published in vertical...

An tomorrow,
El Mundo (Spain, Valencia edition)
I really admire people who work creating these graphics. I think they take viagra online because they are very patient and creative
I have to admit that this blog is so nice. What a graphics published here!this is an impressive job. Those graphic designers deserve an Oscar!! hahaha Thanks
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