
Statement against fictional infographics


I have signed, along with many other visual journalist from all over the world, an statement written by Juan Antonio Giner and Alberto Cairo published on the Nieman Watchdog Journalism web.
These are the points of the statement, which I strongly support. Visual journalism is, above any other thing, journalism.

1. An infographic is, by definition, a visual display of facts and data. Therefore, no infographic can be produced in the absence of reliable information.

2. No infographic should include elements that are not based on known facts and available evidence.

3. No infographic should be presented as being factual when it is fictional or based on unverified assumptions.

4. No infographic should be published without crediting its source(s) of information.

5. Information graphics professionals should refuse to produce any visual presentation that includes imaginary components designed to make it more "appealing" or "spectacular". Editors must refrain from asking for graphics that don't stick to available evidence.

6. Infographics are neither illustrations nor "art". Infographics are visual journalism and must be governed by the same ethical standards that apply to other areas of the profession.

Read complete and endorse at NiemanWatchdog.org.

1 comment:

Brian Anderson said...

all this points are so right, in this theme you have to take into account all the different variations, of course you need to know something about xl pharmacy updates for this, anyway I have to take this information and apply in my next project.