Golden Section Graphics, the Germany-based infographics studio, has reeased the second issue (third counting the Berlin wall special) of their already famous just-graphics magazine InGraphics.
This issue is released after being one of the big winners of the last Malofiej awards, some of the InGraphics products were awarded, including a gold medal for the transfer market calligraphy stunning work.
So, what to expect from the second issue? The same as the first one, a good bunch of high quality works: 3d, diagrams, maps, visualizations...
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Taking a glance to the magazine, you can see a big variety of styles, not just 3d, dataviz, diagrams... I mean that each graphic ahs it own style, but being all them smart, intellingent, ellegant, and... intersting. It's not just the visuals, it's also the topics. Even if you are not a visual journalism professional, the magazine is full of interesting information.

This issue contains some information on current events (for what this kind of product can have), as the Fukushima reactors crisis or the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and other visual coverages with some pieces as the racing for the Antartic center, the Berlin wall, dataviz from nº1 billboard songs...
Be sure that some of these graphics will be awarded at the next Malofiej, SND or any other.
And just some final words: I've got to thank Jan Schowchow and all the people of Golden Section Graphics for this work. It's something different, a new idea that is really the dream of an infographics journalist: a magazine of infographics, just that. And watching at the magazine I know there's a lot of hard job there.
If you want to buy the magazine, just click here!
1 comment:
so thank!
i very need this!
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