
Crime maps: hyperlocal and global

Infographics are, in the best cases, very useful. One of the uses that is succeding at this moment is the crime map.

The last one has been nytimes.com, with this graphic about homicides at The Big Apple. Very The Grey Lady style: clean and with a lot of options to choose how to visualize it.

But the first time I saw one was at chicagocrime.org, today inside of the hyperlocal news site everyblock.org. You can take a glance at the Chicago map here

But many times you don't need to cross the Atlantic Ocean to find examples. One of my hometown newspapers, La Voz de Cádiz, has its own criminal map

But there's also the global scale: Wikicrimes.org, a brazilian initiative for the whole world. This is not very popular yet, but it has the potential to become very useful

Because good and useful ideas have no frontiers

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