This is the first time Mario Chumpitazi participates in Malofiej Awards. And he's doing it with his works at the peruvian infographics agency Fábrica de Ideas.

Fábrica de Ideas is a project with a captain, Xabi Díaz de Cerio, spanish infographics journalist who have worked in Argentina and Peru, where he decided to saty after being Ingographics Director at El Comercio.

If you use to go to Pamplona to attend to Malofiej you may know Xabi, he uses to come every single year.

Fábrica de Ideas is not just Xabi y Mario, we can find also with infogrpahics tasks Roger Hiyane, Sissi Delgado, Ingrid Landaveri and Camila Ferraro, but with help in other zones from Carla Antonioli, Andres Rodríguez, Anita Santos and Maritza Seminario.

I just leave you glancing the rest of the graphics. There is no much more to say. You just have to take a look. Is obvious they're winning some awards this year.

And Xabi is udes to that. He is a classic on the Malofiej books and how couldn't he keep being one with all his team?

And after the weekend, lainformacion.com (If I ask other people to send me their entries, I should publish also ours, don't I?)

I just leave you glancing the rest of the graphics. There is no much more to say. You just have to take a look. Is obvious they're winning some awards this year.

And Xabi is udes to that. He is a classic on the Malofiej books and how couldn't he keep being one with all his team?

And after the weekend, lainformacion.com (If I ask other people to send me their entries, I should publish also ours, don't I?)
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